Sunday, May 4, 2014

The 5 most hyped cards in PRIO

This upcoming Saturday is the PRIO Sneak Peak (PRIO: Primal Origins) and I think everyone is pretty excited for this pack; new archetypes that are finally coming to the TCG from the OCG, new support for old decks, and new Extra Deck staples!

So, what are some of the most HYPED cards coming in this pack?

5.  Madolche Angelly

Madolche players are finally getting a new (good) card that most will play at 2-3, Madolche Angelly.

Effect: When this card in your possession is destroyed by your opponent's card (either by battle or by card effect) and sent to your Graveyard:Shuffle this card into the Deck. You can Tribute this card; Special Summon 1 "Madolche" monster from your Deck, but shuffle it into the Deck during the End Phase of your next turn. You can only use this effect of "Madolche Anjelly" once per turn. That Special Summoned monster cannot be destroyed by battle.

Don't get me wrong, this card is good.  It's effect can easily trigger Messengelato's effect, or simply make Hootcake a searchable card.  Tribute->Special Hootcake->Activate Hookcake and banish Angelly?  That's a pretty good combo.  It also helps make banishing in the Madolche deck more prominent, meaning Leviair might actually see some play.
Is this card overhyped?  Possibly.  It's a really solid Madolche cards,  but it won't be bringing Madolches into Tier 1 status.

4. Number 103: Ragnazero

A new extra deck staple is coming out that will make sure Fire Fists and Bujins don't become too overpowered: Number 103.

Once per turn, during either player's turn: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card, then target 1 face-up Attack Position monster your opponent controls, whose current ATK is different from its original ATK; destroy it, and if you do, draw 1 card.
While it won't see play in a lot of decks since 4-axis Fire Fists where hit pretty hard this last ban list, Ragnazero is a solid card that lots of Rank 4 decks will be playing.  It pretty much allows players facing 4-Axis, 3.5 Axis, and Bujins to control the match.

Is this card overhyped?  It was.  But now that 4-axis has been hit, people are calming down on the hype train.

3.  Bujin Support

Bujins are finally getting some real good support.  The support before PRIO was good, but this pack makes the previous support look very standard.  Bujin players are going to have a lot more options with how they play their deck thanks to this set.  With cards like Bujinki Amaterasu, Bujin Hirume, and Bujintervention, Bujins are going to be a deck to be reckoned with.

Are these new cards overhyped?  Hardly.  I think we'll start seeing some even more solid Bujin decks topping after this pack is released. 

2.  Sylvan Support

When Sylvan Charity was announced, people explained that Sylvans were Tier 0.  They were the new Dragons, the new Airblade Turbo, the new whatever.  The new Sylvan support is definitely going to help them, and they are definitely going to be top Tier this next format.  While the TCG exclusive is complete trash, Sylvan Charity and Sylven Sagequoia are going to push Sylvans to the top.

Are these new cards overhyped?  When Sylvan Charity was announced, they definitely were.  Now that hype has died down, the hype they are getting is well worth it.  These are solid cards for a solid deck.


Artifacts, artifacts, artifacts.  That's all anyone can talk about concerning PRIO.  

Are these cards overhyped.  They are the definition of overhyped.  These cards cannot get anymore hype.  Trust me, Artifacts are going to be good, but they are not going to be as good as everyone thinks.  It's sort of like Hieratic Dragons last format.  Solid until everyone starts siding for them.  People are already siding for them in their deck lists.  

And with Nebra Disk being a OCG exclusive, the Artifacts are nothing more than support for other deck engines.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Line up at Locals

Over the last week at our local tournaments, my friends and I jotted down the decks we faced as well as  some side cards that we could use against them.  There is a line up of the decks we faced:
  • Anti-Meta
  • Anti-Meta Stall
  • Atlantean
  • Dark World
  • Dark World
  • Dark World (With Deck Devastation Virus)
  • Dino Rabbit
  • Dino Rabbit (Macro)
  • Evolsar Dolka/Laggia Deck
  • Fairy Agents
  • Gravekeeper
  • Herald Spellbooks
  • Karakuri Synchro Deck
  • Inzektor
  • Krystia Agents
  • Madolche
  • Machina Gadget
  • Machine Geargia
  • Macro Dino Rabbit with Wind Up and Dark Worlds
  • Normal Monster Heros
  • X-Saber

Monday, December 31, 2012

Prophecy Destroyer

This card is so cool.  Just look at it.  You pissed yourself the first time you looked at it, didn't you?

For the Spellbook archetype, this card is pretty good. Don't get me wrong, it's not great; but it can be pretty helpful, especially with his special summoning ability from the graveyard.

Since the you go through Spellbooks like no other with the Spellbook deck, Prophecy Destroyer can easily get himself out from the graveyard a few times.  However, summoning him is kind of tough.

First, you don't want to draw this card.  What you want to do is either mill it into the graveyard, or use Temperance of Prophecy to Special Summon it from the deck.  This way, you end up with a Spellbook card in the grave, Temperance is no longer on the field, and your deck is thinned out.

However, if you are going to use Temperance of Prophecy's effect, you might as well go for High Priestess (if you own her).

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Inzektor, DinoRabbit, and T.G. Agent Deck Stats

This is a little expriment where I took three popular decks and rated them based on Draws/Searches, Summons, and Destructions.   In this experiment, T.G. Agents, Inzektors, and Dino Rabbit builds were tested for 3 duels, with 4 rounds each.  A round was considered to be from the start of the turn of the player with the deck being tested, to the end of the turn of the opponent (so two turns).

Draws/Searches are any draws or cards added to the hand.  This includes the draw during the draw phase, draws from Maxx "C", Pot of Duality, Pot of Avarice, etc.

Summons include Normal and Special summons, but not Sets.  The Rescue Rabbit summon and effect counts as three summons for the turn.  And XYZ or Synchro Summon of course counts as an additional Special Summon.

Destruction effects include things like Master Hyperions, Inzektor Hornet, MST, etc.  Battles do not count towards Destructions.

The results (in average Draws/Summons/Destructions per round) are displayed as follows:

As you can see, Dino Rabbit has a high draw and summon power, but lacks in destruction ability.  However, Dino Rabbit usually relies on stalling and negations.  The draw power is most likely due to the Pot of Dualities, Pot of Avarice, and Gold Sarcophaguses.  And while the Dino Rabbits have huge Summoning power, they have very little field presence and destructive power.

The T.G Fairy Agent deck on the other hand is very little destructive power, even though Master Hyperion has a destruction effect.

Lastly, the Inzektor deck is pretty even all around.  They have a great draw strength due to Inzektor Centipede, Pot of Duality, and Zektkaliber.  The summoning strength is fairly high due to Inzektor Dragonfly, Dark Armed Dragon, and Call of the Haunted.  And of course, the Hornet can obliterate a whole field if done right.

It appears that Inzektor decks do so well due to their well rounded abilities.  They have great draw, summoning, and destructive strength; allowing them to set up and adapt to any situation.

Dino Rabbits are up there as well due to their summoning power and the searching power. However, they lack in destructive ability, which may be made up with stalling ability.

The next analysis I do, I'd like to include field presence, since a deck can special summon a ton during one turn, but only end up with one boss monster on the field.  This is similar to how the Dino Rabbit deck works since it takes quite a few summons to get Laggia on the field.

Another dimension I'd like to test is negations, since the T.G. Fairy Agent deck is packed full of negation abilities, while the Inzektor deck has very little and the Dino Rabbit lies in the middle with Laggia and Dolka.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Card of the Day: Messenger of Peace

As everyone at my local card shop likes to say: "This card is just too good." Messenger of Peace stops many plays in the current meta. Unless your opponent has Heavy Storm or MST, their pretty much stuck since Messenger of Peace doesn't allow monsters with 1500 or more attack to attack.  Also, paying the cost is optional, so when you finally are able to go for the OTK, you can destroy the card and go off.

I usually protect the Messenger of Peace by setting Starlight Road or The Huge Revolution is Over with it as well as playing another more detrimental card with it (such as Vanity's Emptiness or Shadow Imprisoning Mirror).

At locals, this card single handedly saved my from a Six Samurai deck as I was able to stall for five turns before finally not paying the cost, blowing up the whole field and attacking for game.  The card is great against anti-meta decks which usually focus on monsters with 1800+ ATK.  Things like Thunder King, Doomcaliber, and those damn Malefics simply cannot attack.  Hero decks have such a hard time with Messenger of Peace, it's almost unfair.  The typical meta Hero Deck only runs monsters with 1800+ ATK (save for Bubbleman); but be wary of Gemini Spark.

You can use this card with Injection Fairy Lily since it gets around Messenger of Peace since it gains attack during the Damage Step.  Another great combo is to use Lava Golem or Creature Swap Acid Golemn and play this card, forcing your opponent to pay life points without being able to attack.